It's been a very busy week, hosting the ANITA 2014 Workshop and Summer School. It was an extremely good meeting, but has been quite exhausting. But today, a post about something that has been bubbling in my mind since the end of last year. Be warned, it's a bit of a ramble. In The Guardian , physicist Jim al-Khalili reported on a chat he had with the new uber-famous Peter Higgs . In the article, Higgs reported that he "wouldn't be productive enough for today's academic system" . (Actually, there's a couple or articles on this in the Guardian, the most recent, involving al-Khalili is here ). Some have interpreted this as being a sign that academia is broken , and this opinion rings through the ultimate commentators on the web, those on slashdot. I have also heard similar comments from early- and mid-career researchers who are staring down the barrel of the leaky pipe of academic careers. ...