Speed Meet a Scientist/Hero/Loser?
I've been at a meeting Galactic Archaeology for the week, and so have been busy at the Sydney Masonic Centre (note, however, being at a conference in your home city is not good, as you are only a few miles from "work"). Anyway, grumpy post. Major grump. In the past, I've taken part in an event during National Science Week called "Speed Meet a Geek". I think science week is a great idea, where scientists (who love to rabbit about their work) get an audience who really seems to enjoying it. I've loved doing it, chatting with children about cosmology, telescopes, being an astronomer, while on the table next to me was explaining the intricacies of quantum mechanics and the future of computers. It is great stuff. Except the name. I don't like "Speed meet a geek". I know I have written about this before, but it has come to the fore as again, last week, I received an invite to take part in an event at Science Week. This was marketed...