The PAndAS Field of Streams: stellar structures in the Milky Way halo toward Andromeda and Triangulum
A cool paper this week, written by long-time collaborator, Nicolas F. Martin . Again, it's a PAndAS paper but the focus is not Andromeda but our very own Milky Way. How, I hear you say. The starting point is the Field of Streams , a truly wonderful image of a massive area of sky taken as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey . Here it is The Sloan Survey had many goals, but one of those was to look at the stars in our own Galaxy, especially in the Galactic Halo . If our picture of how galaxies form and grow are correct, basically by eating smaller systems, we should expect the halo to be full of the debris from things being consumed at the present time. And this is what we see in the Field of Streams. The big swoop across the image is the tidal debris from the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy , which, even though it was only discovered in 1994, completely wraps the Galaxy. There's lots of other debris in there too, including the Monoceros R...