The Most Important Equation in all of Science
The end of the year is rapidly approaching (just where did 2013 go). I've just spend the week in Canberra at a very interesting meeting, but on the way down I actually thought I was off in to space. Why? Because the new Qantas uniform looks like something from Star Trek . Doesn't Qantas know what happens to red shirts? Anyway - why was I in Canberra? I was attending MaxEnt 2013 , which, to give it its full name, was the 33rd International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. It was a very eclectic meeting, with astronomers, economists, quantum physicists, even people who work on optimizing train networks. So, what was it that brought this range of people together? It was the most important equation in science. Which equation is that, you may ask? It's this one. Huh, you may say. I've spoken about this equation multiple times in the past, and what it is, of course, is Bayes Rule . Why...