Fun with Planck
Easter is here, and so a little weekend's diversion. I thought I would have a little fun with Planck maps of the CMB sky we looked at previously. As a reminder, here's what Planck saw and what the blue and red spots indicate are structures in the Universe when it was only 400,000 years old. Also remember that we describe these bumps and wiggles by the power spectrum which tells us how many blobs of particular sizes we should see in the image. Our theories tell us the power spectrum, but not the location of each individual blob in the image. As I mentioned last time, we describe the structure we see in terms of spherical harmon ics, which are particularly useful functions to use on a sphere, and the power spectrum basically tells us how much of a particular function we need to add in to get the map above. But we have a freedom, called the "phase" of the spherical harmonics. Basically, while the power spectrum tells you much of a function you need to add, it...