The Three-Dimensional Structure of the M31 Satellite System; Strong Evidence for an Inhomogeneous Distribution of Satellites
Back in Sydney after a busy couple of days in Brisbane at the Seventh ANITA (Australian National Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics) Workshop . It was a good two days listening to talks on the cutting edge theory (a lot by very smart PhD students and postdocs). A quick look at the program shows the incredibly diverse range of cool science being done in Australia. But a quick post (as I am still playing astro-ph catch-up), but it's time to post an excellent paper from proto-doctor Anthony Conn (proto- as his PhD has been submitted and is being examined). But the paper provides a key input to our recent Nature paper , namely nailing the distance to the dwarf galaxies orbiting Andromeda. I've written before about Anthony's sterling work using Bayesian techniques to provide the most accurate and robust distances, using the tip of the Red Giant Branch . It's not easy work and has consumed more than three years of work. But results, as you know, have been excellent...