Blog rebirth - a plan for 2017

It is now the twilight zone between Christmas and New Year. 2016 has been a difficult and busy year, and my recreational physics and blogging has suffered. But it is time for a rebirth and I plan to get back to the writing about science and space here. But here's some things from 2016.

A Fortunate Universe: Life in a finely tuned cosmos was published. This has sucked up a huge amount of time and mental activity, and that continues. I will blog about the entire writing and publishing process at some point in the future, but it really is quite a complex process with many mine-fields to navigate. But it is done, and am planning to write more in the future.
We also made a video to advertise the book!

I've done a lot of writing in other places, including Cosmos magazine on "A universe made for me? Physics, fine-tuning and life", and commentary in New Scientist and several articles in The Conversation including

Peering into the future: does science require predictions?


The cosmic crime-scene hunt for clues on how galaxies are formed

And one of my articles from last year, We are lucky to live in a universe made for us was selected for inclusion in The Best Australian Science Writing 2016,
There has been a whole bunch of science papers as well, but I will write about those when the blog is up and running at full speed :)


  1. Maybe you'll answer this here or in an email.

    I plan to buy the book. I also read many eBooks now, for various reasons. I have yet to test the idea of reading eBooks on an iPad Pro (which is great because it is the size of a magazine and hence ideal for reading PDFs formatted for that size, such as journal articles; there is also a reasonably good smart cover which doubles as a keyboard, giving almost laptop quality). On my tolino, about the size of a small paperback book, everything is great except high-resolution and/or colour pictures. Does the book contain any of those? If so, I'll have to test reading eBooks on the iPad first. If not, I can buy the ePub straight away.

    1. We have a few black and white astronomical images, but most are line images drawn with matplotlib so should all be fine :)

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